Mukhopadhyay, Carol C

Mukhopadhyay, Carol C

Emerita Faculty, Anthropology




  • Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology, Univ of California, Riverside, USA 1980
  • Masters Degree, Anthropology, CSU-Los Angeles, California, USA, 1972
  • Bachelors Degree, History, Secondary Teaching Credential, Univ Of California, Berkeley, 1964, 1965. 


Dr. Mukhopadhyay is a cultural anthropologist whose specialties are gender, family, sexuality, race, cultural diversity, multicultural education, cognitive anthropology, ethnographic decision-modeling, theory and methodology. Her research has focused on gendered activities, in households, politics, and in science & engineering (STEM). This has involved fieldwork in both the United States and India.

She also has 40+ years experience teaching, doing research, consulting, and publishing in the area of race-gender-education-culture. She served as a Key Advisor on the American Anthropological Association's public education project and traveling museum exhibit, RACE: Are We So Different?

Dr. Mukhopadhyay retired from SJSU teaching in 2011 but is continuing to do professional research, writing, and consulting.  She also is pursuing her favorite hobbies: playing chamber music and traveling.


How Real is Race? Unraveling Race, Biology, and Culture. Mukhopadhyay, Henze, and Moses. 3rd edition. 2025/6.  Link forthcoming.

The Cultural Context of Gendered Science: India.  2022. In  The Palgrave Handbook of Women and Science since 1660

Gender and Sexuality (with T. Blumenfield).  Updated 2023. In 2nd Edition 2020,  Perspectives: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Caucasian. 2020. In Goodman, Moses, Jones. RACE. 2nd edition. 


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