Teaching About Race

This webpage primarily contains materials and activities developed by Carol C. Mukhopadhyay for teaching about race.

Some of the activities supplement material in Part 1 (The Fallacy of Race as Biology) and Part 2 (Culture Creates Race) of the book How Real is Race? Unraveling Race, Biology, and Culture. (Mukhopadhyay, Henze, Moses. Rowman & Littlefield. 3rd edition forthcoming, March 2025). 

In the 3rd edition,  all supplemental activity  descriptions and instructions are located on the Companion Website for the book, organized by chapters (link coming).  Occasionally, the activity includes an additional link to materials on this website (see list and links below).  

COPYRIGHT-FAIR USE-CITATION. Activities/materials on this website are copyrighted by Mukhopadhyay, unless otherwise noted. They can be downloaded and used for educational or other non-commercial purposes but must be properly cited, using standard professional citation practices  (see also individual files for citation information). To use for other purposes, contact Mukhopadhyay directly.


How Real is Race (HRR) Companion Website related documents are bolded and include the relevant chapter and activity number.  

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