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Danopoulos, Constantine P
Publications & Presentations
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "Toward cooperation in post-cold Southeastern Europe?"
Article. (January 2001).
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "Review of the book Greece and the New Balkans." Article.
(January 2000).
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "The military and society in the former Eastern bloc."
Book. (January 1999).
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "Crises in the Balkans: Views from the participants."
Book. (January 1997).
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "The military and politics in a theocratic state: Iran
as a case study." Article. (January 1997).
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "The political role of the military: An international handbook."
Book. (January 1996).
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "Prolonged wars: A post nuclear challenge." Book. (January
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "Coup d?etat attempt in Trinidad: Its causes and failure."
Article. (January 1993).
- Constantine P. Danopoulos. "Civilian rule in the developing world: Democracy on the
march." Book. (January 1992).