Humanities 2A, Fall 2013

Time: Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 - 10:15 & 10:30 - 11:45
Location: WSQ 207 (Lecture) and DMH 149B (Seminar)
- 2A Handbook for Public Speaking Speech Assignment [PDF]
- Journal Assignments [PDF]
- Declaration of Independence [PDF]
Course Documents
- HUM 2A Lecture Syllabus [PDF]
- HUM 2A Seminar Syllabus - REVISED [PDF]
- HUM 2A Final Essay Questions [PDF]
Humanities 2A Reader
- Lecture 03 (August 29) Bacon, Galileo, and Newton Readings [PDF]
- Lecture 08 (September 17) Adam Smith Wealth of Nations Reading [PDF]
- Lecture 11 (September 26) Readings from Cook, Crevecoeur, Paine, Longfellow [PDF]
- Lecture 12 (October 1) Readings from John Quincy Adams, Margaret Fell, Sarah Grimke, and Mary Woolstonecraft [PDF]
- Lecture 17 (October 17) Readings from Locke and Rosseau [PDF]
- Lecture 19 (October 24) Readings from Thomas Jefferson, Abigail Adams, Iroquois League Constitution [PDF]
- Lecture 20 (October 29) Readings from the French Revolution and Burke [PDF]
- Lecture 24 (November 12) Jefferson selections [PDF]
- Lecture 27 (November 21) Industrial Revolution [PDF]
- Lecture 30 (December 5) Dana, Harte [PDF]