Dahyun, Oh

Assistant Professor
Preferred: dahyun.oh@sjsu.edu
Preferred: (408) 924-3197
Research Website
San José State University
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0085
- B.S. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2008
- Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, 2014
Positions and Employment
- Aug. 2017 - present: Assistant Professor, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.
- Feb. 2015 - Jul. 2017: Research Scientist, IBM, San Jose, CA.
- Mar. 2014 - Feb. 2015: Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
Honors and Awards
- 2013: Graduate Student Award, Silver, Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, MA.
- 2011: Outstanding Poster Award, Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, MA.
- 2008 - 2013: Kwanjeong Educational Foundation graduate student fellowship, Korea ($50K/year for 5 years).
- 2008 Fall: Mayes fellowship, MIT, Cambridge, MA ($28K).
- 2007: Korea Semiconductor Industry Association fellowship, Korea.
- 2006: Korea Federation of Textile Industries fellowship, Korea.
- 2005: Honors and fellowship for top student, Seoul National University, Korea.
- 2004: Korea Science and Engineering Foundation fellowship, Korea.
Research Interests
- High energy density storage system development: Metal-air battery, aqueous Li-ion battery.
- In situ gas evolution analysis during electrochemical reaction.
- Bioinspired nanostructure design.
- Nanofabrication of functional devices with 1D (carbon nanotube) or 2D (Graphene) materials.
Journals(†Equal contribution, *Corresponding author)
- Dahyun Oh*, Cagla O. Akgun, Esin Akca, Leslie E. Thompson, Loza Tadesse, Ho-Cheol Kim, Gokhan Demirci, Robert D. Miller*, Hareem Maune*, Biotemplating Pores with Size and Shape Diversity for Li-oxygen Battery Cathodes, Scientific Reports, 2017, 1038/srep45919 [link]
- Dahyun Oh*, Kumar Virwani, Loza Tadesse, Mark Jurich, Leslie E. Thompson, Ho-Cheol Kim, Donald S. Bethune*, The Effect of Transition Metal Oxide Cathodes on the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Li-O2 Batteries, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 1021/acs.jpcc.6b09616, [link]
- Sung Mi Jung†, Jifa Qi†, Dahyun Oh, Angela M. Belcher*, Jing Kong*, Freestanding 3D porous structure from M13 virus and its application as a scaffold for functional inorganic materials, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 10.1002/adfm.201603203, [link]
- Dahyun Oh†, Jifa Qi†, Binghong Han, Geran Zhang, Thomas Carney, Jacqueline Ohmura, Yong Zhang, Yang Shao-Horn* and Angela M. Belcher*, M13 Virus-Directed Synthesis of Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Lithium - Oxygen Batteries, Nano Letters, 2014, 14 (8), 1021/nl502078m [link]
- Dahyun Oh†, Jifa Qi†, Yi-Chun Lu, Yong Zhang, Yang Shao-Horn* and Angela M. Belcher*, Biologically Enhanced Cathode Design for Improved Capacity and Cycle Life for Lithium-Oxygen Battery, Nature communications, 2013, 4, DOI:10.1038/ncomms3756 [link]
- Dahyun Oh, Xiangnan Dang, Hyunjung Yi, Mark A. Allen, Kang Xu, Yun Jung Lee* and Angela M. Belcher*, Graphene Sheets Stabilized on Genetically Engineered M13 Viral Templates as Conducting Frameworks for Hybrid Energy-Storage Materials, Small, 2012, 8 (7), pp 1006 - 1011 DOI: 10.1002/smll.201102036 [link]
- Yun Jung Lee†, Youjin Lee†, Dahyun Oh, Tiffany Chen, Gerbrand Ceder* and Angela M. Belcher*, Biologically Activated Noble Metal Alloys at the Nanoscale: For Lithium Ion Battery Anodes, Nano Letters, 2010, 10 (7), pp 2433 - 2440 DOI: 10.1021/nl1005993 [link]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- Kang Xu*, Dahyun Oh, Hyunjung Yi, Jifa Qi, Alice Xu, James Snyder and Angela M. Belcher, Genetically Programming Interfaces between Active Materials, Conductive Pathway and Current Collector in Li-Ion Batteries, ECS transaction, 2012, 41 (41), pp 55-64 DOI: 10.1149/1.4717963 [link]
Press Release
- Better batteries through biology? MIT News (MIT Homepage cover article on 11/14/2013) [link], Discovery News [link], Science Daily [link] etc.
- Just A-Mayes-ing, MIT News (Interview as the first recipient of Mayes fellowship 7/30/2008) [link]
Conference Presentations (*Presenter)
- Dahyun Oh*, Bioinspired Materials Development for High Energy Density Storage Applications, Molecular Foundry User Meeting, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA, 2017 (Invited Symposium Talk).
- Dahyun Oh*, Kumar Virwani, Loza Tadesse, Mark Jurich, Nagaphani Aetukuri, Leslie E. Thompson, Donald S. Bethune, Cagla Ozgit-Akgun, Esin Akca, Gokhan Demirci, Robert D. Miller, Hareem Maune, Ho-Cheol Kim, Guiding the Li2O2 Nucleation on Cathode: Materials Selection and Porosity Control, Beyond Lithium Ion Symposium, San Jose, CA, 2017 (poster).
- Dahyun Oh*, Cagla O. Akgun, Esin Akca, Leslie E. Thompson, Loza Tadesse, Ho-Cheol Kim, Gokhan Demirci, Robert D. Miller*, Hareem Maune*, Biomaterials Driven Pore Generation for Li-oxygen battery Cathodes, MRS Fall meeting, Boston, 2016 (oral).
- Dahyun Oh*, Loza Tadesse, Leslie E. Thompson, Ho-Cheol Kim, Donald S. Bethune, Investigations of Transition Metal Oxides (MnOx, Co3O4, RuO2) for Lithium Oxygen Battery Cathodes with DEMS, MRS Spring meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2016 (oral).
- Dahyun Oh*, Jifa Qi, Geran Zhang and Angela M. Belcher, Biotemplated Multi-Component Transition Metal (Mn,Co) Oxide Nanowires for Li-O2 Battery Catalyst Applications, MRS Fall meeting, Boston, MA, 2013 (Graduate Student Award Oral Presentation).
- Dahyun Oh*, Jifa Qi, Dong Soo Yun, Yang Shao-Horn and Angela M. Belcher, Biotemplated Nanocatalyst Structures to Enhance Li-O2 Battery Performances, MRS Spring meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013 (oral).
- Dahyun Oh*, Xiangnan Dang, Hyunjung Yi, Mark A. Allen, Kang Xu, Yun Jung Lee and Angela M. Belcher, Interweaving Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes with Graphene by Genetic Engineering of M13 Virus, MRS Fall meeting, Boston, MA, 2011 (poster).
- Dahyun Oh, Hyunjung Yi, Kang Xu*, James Snyder, and Angela M. Belcher, Genetically Programming the Interfaces between Bio-templated Cathode Nano-particles and Current Collector in Li-ion Batteries, 220th ECS meeting, Boston, MA, 2011(oral).