Lappin, Linda C.

Lappin, Linda C.

Lecturer AY-B, English




Preferred: 408/924-4601

Office Hours

Spring 2017: M/W 10-11:30 am, T/Th 2-4 pm, and by appointment

From this page you can connect to grammar sites, the writing center and other (I think) helpful resources.


  • Master of Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (MA TESOL), 2015
  • Master of Fine Arts, English, CSU-San Jose, California, United States, 2007


Professor Lappin comes to SJSU from the technical world. She worked for 18 years as a technical writer in Silicon Valley before returning to SJSU for an MFA in creative writing. Since coming to SJSU, she has taught English 1a,1b English 2, 100wb,and  English 71-creative writing,  as well as a discussion course for iGateways. She earned a Masters in TESOL in 2015 and currently teaches in the English Stretch program. Creative writing and learning are her favorite topics.
