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McProud, Lucy M
Publications & Presentations
- Lucy M. McProud. "Effect of temperature on vibration transmission properties of cushioning
materials." Article. (January 2001).
- Lucy M. McProud. "The development and evaluation of vegetarian menu items." Article.
(January 2000).
- Lucy M. McProud. "Attitudes and knowledge of food safety among Santa Clara County,
California, restaurant operators." Article. (January 1996).
- Lucy M. McProud. "Hospital foodservice and ethnic foods: A survey of hospitals in
two counties of Northern California" Article. (January 1995).
- Lucy M. McProud. "Food safety." Article. (January 1992).
- Lucy M. McProud. "High school students' attitudes toward, and participation in, the
national school lunch program." Article. (January 1992).