Sunseri, Mary Anne
Publications & Presentations
Conducted an experiment and presented work at National Conference for the Association
of Behavior Analysis in Chicago, IL May, 2005; Manuel, J. C., Sunseri, M. A., Olson,
R., & Scolari, M. (2007). A diagnostic approach to increase reusable dinnerware selection
in a cafeteria. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40(2), 301-310
Presented original work at annual conference for Western States Communication Association
in Monterey, CA. February, 2011.
Co-authored a published article: Morella-Pozzi, D. & Sunseri, M.A. (2012). Power,
suspicion, and oppression: An exploration into the connection between whiteness and
disability. Liminalities, 8(5), 152-166.