Jefferis-Nilsen, Paula T
Lecturer AY-B, Geology
Preferred: (408) 924-5016
Office Hours
MW: 1030-1130; 1500-1530. T/TH: 1030-1130; 1500-1530 or by appoi
Welcome students to the spring 2011 semester! I look forward to meeting you all the first week of class. Greensheets should be posted soon. Textbooks: Geology 112: Natural Disasters, Patrick Abbott, 7th edition; USBN 9780073376691 Geology 3: Earth Science, Tarbucks, Lutgens and Tasa, 12th edition; USBN 9780136020073
- Master of Arts, Univ Of Cal-Davis, 1986
- Bachelor of Science, Geology, San Diego State University, 1978
- Annimation: earth processes; atoms to plate tectonics
- Association of Bay Area Governments
- California Geological Survey
- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
- El Nino animation
- The Dynamic Earth: plate tectonic explanation
- Hurricane animation
- Pinnacles National Monument
- United States Geological Survey