Project Associate, Psychology-Foundation
Preferred: (408) 924-5658
Office Hours
M 4:45-5:45pm, DMH 232
Master of Arts, CSU-San Jose, 2009
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Holy Names College, California, United States, 2006
Sarah earned her M.A. from San Jose State University in 2009. Her thesis concerned
the evolutionary origins of prospective memory under various cognitive loads. Sarah
has taught General Psychology for two years, and gears classes towards real world
applications of psychology and gaining critical thinking skills. Additionally, Sarah
has spent nearly six years at NASA Ames Research Center in the Flight Deck Display
Research Lab, researching aviation tools and concepts to increase capabilities of
air flight operations. The lab's goal is to be able to increase air traffic while
maintaining or increasing the current levels of safety and efficiency. Her research
interests include subjective operator workload, situation awareness and performance,
as well as meteorological disruptions.