Viswanathan, Vimal

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Preferred: (408) 924-3841
Office Hours
M 1:00 - 3:00 pm; T 10:00 am - 12:00 pm; other times by appointment only
Office Location: Mechanical Engineering Office Suite - E310
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2012
MS, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2010
B-Tech, Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Calicut, India, 2005
Research Interests:
Primary research interests: Design Theory & Methodology, New Product Development
Current research areas: design creativity, design automation, additive manufacturing, design of assistive/rehabilitation devices, energy harvesting devices, engineering education
Other roles @ SJSU
Director - Innovations in Design Engineering & Analyses (IDEA) Lab
Faculty Advisor - ASME student chapter
Faculty Advisor - Spartan Racing
Faculty Advisor - The Spartan Hyperloop
Past Academic Positions:
- San Jose State University, San Jose, CA - Department Chair (2021 - 2023)
- San Jose State University, San Jose, CA - Assistant Professor (2016 - 2020)
- Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL - Assistant Professor (2014-2016)
- Georgia Institute of Technology - Post doctoral researcher & part-time instructor (2012-2014)
- Texas A&M University - Instructor (Senior Design) (2012)
Most Recent Publications:
(For a complete list, please visit the link below)
* indicates student co-authors
Vadla, M., Agumbe-Suresh, M., and Viswanathan, V.**, 2024, “Enhancing Product Design through AI-driven Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Reviews using BERT,” Algorithms, 17 (2), 59, Available at
Keles, O., Brubaker-Gianakos, V., Viswanathan, V., and Marbouti, F., 2023, “Experimental Learning of Engineering Concepts in Immersive Virtual Learning Environments,” Journal of STEM Education, 24 (2), Available at
Machado*, M. D., Viswanathan, V., 2023, “Design and Characterization of a Single Lever Bicycle Brake with Hydraulic Pressure Proportioning,” Applied Sciences, 13, 1767, DOI: 10.3390/app13031767 .
- Dei Rossi*, J., Keles, O., and Viswanathan**, V., 2022, “Fused Deposition Modeling with Induced Vibrations: A Study on the Mechanical Characteristics of Printed Parts,” Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(18):9327.
- Pham*, H.; Bandaru*, A.P.; Bellannagari, P.; Zaidi, S.; Viswanathan, V., 2022, "Getting Fit in a Sustainable Way: Design and Optimization of a Low-Cost Regenerative Exercise Bicycle," Designs, 6 (3), pp. 59, DOI:
Fusilero*, P., Reyes*, A., Trejo*, R., Viswanathan**, V., Madireddy, I., Vemuri, A., and Zaidi, S., 2022, “The Design Evolution of a Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Device for Leg Muscle Rehabilitation,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Columbus, OH.
- Weaver, M., Merzdorf, H., Jaison, D., Viswanathan, V., Douglas, K.A., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2022, “Sketchtivity, an Intelligent Sketch Tutoring Software: Broadening Applications and Impact,” ASEE Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Runyon, M., Viswanathan, V., Talley, K., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2021, “Mechanix: An Intelligent Web Interface for Automatic Grading of Sketched Free Body Diagrams,” ASEE Annual Conference, virtual conference.
- Mokadam*, A., Shivakumar*, S., Viswanathan, V., and Agumbe-Suresh, M., 2021, “Online Product Review Analysis to Automate the Extraction of Customer Requirements,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) – Design Theory & Methodology (DTM), virtual event.
- Bose*, A., and Viswanathan, V., 2021, “Mitigating the Piston Effect in High-speed Hyperloop Transportation: A Study on the Use of Aerofoils,” Energies Special Issue on Hyperloop and Associated Technologies, 14 (2), pp. 464, DOI: 10.3390/en14020464, available here.
- Viswanathan. V., and Linsey, J., 2020, “Designing with Examples: A Study on the Role of Familiarity, Warnings and Physical Modeling,” Journal of Engineering Design, DOI: 10.1080/09544828.2020.1851356.
- Solomon, J., Hamilton, E., Viswanathan, V., and Nayak, C., 2020, “A PROTOCOL Based
Blended Model for Fluid Mechanics Instruction,” Journal of STEM Education, 21 (3),
pp. 19-27, available here.
Courses at SJSU:
- ME 20 - Design & Graphics
- ME 101 - Dynamics
- ME 136 - Design for Manufacturing & Assembly (coordinator)
- ME 154 - Mechanical Design I
- ME 195 A &B - Senior Design Project (coordinator)
- ME 256 - Product Design (coordinator)
- ME 265 - Computer Aided Design for Mechanical Engineers
List of publications: Click Here
Visit Dr. Viswanathan's lab webpage here.