Kim, Yeonka

School of Management
Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
San José State University
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0070
Office Hours
In BT 554. Please check with the School of Management.
Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Minnesota (Concentration: Organizational Behavior & Human Resources)
Master in Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University (Concentration: Human Resources & Organizations)
B. A. in Social Studies Education, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Dr. Yeonka (Sophia) Kim is an assistant professor in the School of Management at San José State University. Before joining San José State University, she worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in July of 2022) and an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University. Her research focuses on diversity, work-life interface, identity, and emotions in organizations. She is passionate about understanding how diverse individuals can thrive in their work and non-work lives and how organizations can create an effective, inclusive, and emotionally healthy work environment through diversity initiatives and HR practices. Before her academic career, she worked as a manager in the chemical film/telecommunication industries in South Korea, which enriched her research and teaching in HR/OB.