San Jose State University
Welcome to our August 2024 Newsletter!
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A new academic year is here! The Faculty Success team is excited to introduce the Center for Faculty Excellence and Teaching Innovation (CFETI, aka “confetti”)!
This new name reflects an organizational change that took place in 2020, when the Office for Faculty Success was launched. At that time, eCampus was moved under the Center for Faculty Development (CFD).This combined unit—referred to as “CFD + eCampus”—has been the programming arm of the Office for Faculty Success. Our team of instructional designers, multimedia specialists, and faculty-in-residence has been ready for a name that reflects our united vision of what we can offer SJSU.

CFETI Mission and Website
Our mission is to partner with faculty to foster greater agency, belongingness, and competency for deep engagement at every career stage. Supporting equitable student success is vital to faculty excellence; we promote evidence-based teaching practices and the development of rich content through a range of services for all campus community members, including individual and group consultation, interactive workshops, faculty learning communities, and more. 

At the new CFETI website, you will find all in one place the resources and programs that previously existed on separate CFD and eCampus sites. This new site will make it easier for you to find support for your professional advancement and teaching and learning innovation. We ask for your patience, as TODAY is the first day it is live, and there may still be a link or two to update. It’s no easy feat to organize two large sites into one, and we thank our partners in IT for supporting the transition.

A New Look
Still located in IRC, we have made some updates to our meeting spaces. Most notably, we have a new Learning Lounge (IRC 212)that is great for small team meetings and consulting with an instructional designer. Our Collaborative Classroom (IRC 202) is a great space for department meetings or events. In our Creative Studio (IRC 210), you can make professional videos—for example, to create a course welcome—with the help of our resident videographer. There’s also an Innovative Exploration Space (IRC 308) where you and your students can try out XR technologies with the support of an instructional designer.

Please join us at our upcoming CFETI Open House on Thursday, August 22, from 11:00am to 2:00pm to learn more! We are honored that President Teniente-Matson will be joining us to share welcome remarks.

Our other big news is that we are launching the search for the next Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence and Teaching Innovation. Many faculty have asked if there will be a new AVP for CFD, a role that has been vacant since January—and the answer is “yes”!

You can support this nation-wide search by circulating the call within your networks and attending campus forums when finalists visit SJSU later this semester. But the best way to show your support is to apply to serve on the search committee. This is a great service opportunity for faculty who are innovative educators attuned to the success of all students, as well as those who mentor colleagues as they navigate each stage of their careers. We also seek highly engaged staff and students to serve on the committee. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

How to Contact Us
There’s a lot of information to process here, and we know you must have questions. 
You can reach the team at any time via email: No worries if you’re accustomed to emailing and, we will still answer emails there during the transition.

More than anything, the CFETI team i s ready to accompany you on all the great things you will do this year and beyond. Please view this newsletter in its entirety to see the range of opportunities you have to connect with us in the coming weeks. Let’s get started!

Magdalena L. Barrera
Vice Provost for Faculty Success
Updates from the Center for Faculty
Excellence and Teaching Innovation
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Join us on Thursday, August 22nd anytime between11:30am to 1:30pm to:
  • view the new space for faculty and staff
  • have some refreshments
  • continue building connections and community with your colleagues
  • watch mini-presentations 
    • Welcome by President Teniente-Matson
    • What AI resources are available?
    • What is Adobe:
    • What do Instructional Designers Do?
    • What services does the Center for Faculty Excellence and Teaching Innovation Services offer?

On the second floor of the Instructional Resource Center, you’ll find:
  • Two meeting spaces for faculty and staff! Meet colleagues, collaborate or just relax!
  • The media studio! To book a recording session, see Media Production Services.
  • The main office for the Center for Faculty Excellence and Teaching Innovation (CFETI) 
  • Coffee, tea, water and snacks. 
  • CFETI instructional designers’ offices. Remember we’re always here for consultation, collaboration and coaching! Schedule a consultation today!
Canvas Studio will no longer be available at SJSU after September 30, 2024. Please move all videos to Panopto and then embed them in your courses.
Use Ally which is already integrated in Canvas and install the GrackleDocs Add-On in Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets to check and remediate the accessibility of your course content!

Both Ally and GrackleDocs provide step-by-step guidance on how to fix issues such as: headings, alternative text for images, table structure, and color contrast. Use these tools to create more accessible and inclusive content for all!
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Professors, welcome back! Find all your classroom technology resources for a smooth semester on the SJSU IT IMS website. You'll find info on supported classrooms, troubleshooting tips, equipment features, and classroom instructions. If your room isn't listed, contact your department technician for support. Take a moment to identify the technology in your classrooms and reserve any needed adapters or additional equipment through our Equipment Loaning Service – all you need is your SJSU ID. Familiarize yourself with your device and its connection options to avoid technology delays. As always, we're here to help! Visit SJSU IT IMS at IRC 112, call us at (408) 924-2867, or email Classroom Support. For the SJSU IT Service Desk, call (408) 924-1530 or go online. Let's kick off a successful semester!

For non-IT issues in your classrooms, contact your department/college staff for department/college managed classrooms and laboratories. For non-IT issues in the University Lecture Rooms, contact Academic Scheduling & Space Management by emailing the AAD Classroom Group to report any missing furniture or issues. Furniture should not be removed or added from University Lecture Rooms.
Get Ready for the ATXpo 2024 at UCSF!

Monday, October 7th, 2024 | 8 am to 3:30 pm
UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center

ATXpo IdeaLab Call for Proposals is Now Open!  
The submission due date is August 16th, 2024 by 6pm.

The 2024 ATXpo (Academic Technology Expo), a one-day event hosted at the
UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco. This in-person event brings together faculty members, instructors, students, and academic technology staff/practitioners from Saint Mary's College of California, San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, Santa Clara University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco, and the University of San Francisco to share, discuss, and promote effective practices for teaching and learning with technology, all the while generating collaborative opportunities with our regional colleagues. The 2024 ATXpo will feature plenary sessions, dozens of IdeaLab sessions, lunch, student and faculty panel discussions, and a closing social/mixer. For more information, including descriptions of previous IdeaLab sessions, please see the ATXpo website.
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mark your calendar
19: Fall semester begins
19-20: Faculty pre-instruction activities
19: New Lecturers Welcome 1:00 - 4:00 pm 
21: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 2:30 - 3:30 pm
20: Adobe Audition for Podcasting (Zoom), 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
20: Adobe Premiere Rush Quickstart, 1:00 - 1:30 pm
21: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 10:15 - 11:15 am
23: CFETI Office Hours: Polling, 12:00 - 12:30 pm
26: Getting Started with Canvas, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
27: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 3:30 - 4:30 pm
28: RTP: Chairs’ Deadline to submit names of faculty seeking early review to UP-FS
28: RTP: Chair’s Description shared with candidates
29: Sabbatical and DIP Workshop, 9:00 - 10:15 am
29: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 10:30 - 11:30 am
29: Range Elevation Workshop, 10:30 - 11:45 am
30: Range Elevation: Deadline for eligible faculty to inform UP-FS of intent to apply
30: RTP: Faculty seeking early review must notify UP-FS
30: RTP: Chair’s Description due to candidates

2: Campus closed
4: Adobe Premiere Rush Quickstart, 10:00 - 11:00 am
6: Sabbatical: Deadline for eligible faculty to inform UP-FS of intent to apply
6: RTP: Dossiers open to Chairs to ensure required materials are included
9: Sabbatical: Applications due
11: Classroom Polling Options (Hybrid), 9:00 - 10:00 am
11: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 3:00 - 4:00 pm
12: Adobe Premiere Rush Quickstart, 12:00 - 1:30 pm
13: Range Elevation: Candidate packet due
17: Qualtrics Advanced, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
19: Workshop: Canvas Badges, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
20: Adobe Premiere Rush Quickstart, 11:00 am- 12:00 pm
20: Sabbatical: Chair’s Statement sent to candidate
23: Classroom Polling Options (Hybrid), 12:00 - 1:00 pm
23: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
27: RTP: Dossiers closing and submission date
27: CFETI Office Hours: Polling, 9:00 - 9:30 am

8: Getting Started with Canvas, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
8: Workshop: ArcGIS Online Intro, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
10: Classroom Polling Options (Hybrid), 10:00 - 11:00 am
10: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
11: Adobe Premiere Rush Quickstart, 10:30 - 11:00 am
18: Qualtrics Advanced, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
21: RTP: Department-level reviews due in eFaculty
21: CFETI Office Hours: Polling, 12:00 - 12:30 pm
21: SJSU Official Syllabus Workshop, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
22: CFETI Office Hours: Polling, 12:30 - 1:00 pm
24: Adobe Premiere Rush Quickstart, 11:00 am- 12:00 pm
what we are reading banner
How to Take Up More Space in Academia: “[F]or some people, taking up space comes naturally and without consequence. . . . But for others, such as early career colleagues, women in male-dominated disciplines, and individuals from racialized or marginalized backgrounds, taking up space is neither natural nor inconsequential.”

5 Fairy Tales People Believe About Mentoring in Higher Ed: “Once upon a time, I lived in a magical fairy tale world where higher education professionals, educated and insightful individuals, knew exactly how to navigate a mentor program and the results were nothing less than charming. Then I woke up.”

Want to spot a deepfake? Look for the stars in their eyes: “In an era when the creation of artificial intelligence (AI) images is at the fingertips of the masses, the ability to detect fake pictures – particularly deepfakes of people – is becoming increasingly important. So what if you could tell just by looking into someone's eyes?”
Do you have a story, highlight, reading, or tip that you would like to share in this newsletter? 
Please reach out anytime to 
Contact Us

Magdalena L. Barrera, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Faculty Success | 408-924-2405 | 408-924-2600

Jennifer Redd, Ph.D.
Senior Director

San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192

Last Updated Jan 28, 2025