M.S. Geology Degree
An approved program for each candidate may be designed in consultation with the advisor
on the basis of each individual's objectives. The program shall include at least 30
semester units earned beyond the bachelor's degree in 200-level (ie: graduate level)
and 100-level (ie: upper division undergraduate level) courses approved for graduate
credit. This total includes 4 semester units of thesis research. At least 12 units
must consist of 200-level courses. All students are required to take a 2-unit seminar
(GEOL 285). All candidates are required to submit a master's thesis.
All candidates must complete the equivalent of the requirements of the San José State University B.S. Geology degree, including a minimum of four weeks of field camp, as well as two semesters each of Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics.
The oral examination for the Master of Science degree is scheduled with the student's thesis advisor. The candidate must demonstrate competency in written English. An oral presentation of thesis research is to be made before an open meeting of the Geology Department. The thesis must be approved by the student's thesis committee and submitted in final form, as outlined in the Thesis Section of the San José State University catalog, to the Graduate Division of the university in accordance with the published deadlines.
View the full guidelines for earning an M.S. degree in Geology at San José State University. [pdf]