Program Learning Outcomes
MPA Program
Upon completion of the Master of Public Administration degree, the student will be able to:
- Lead and manage in public governance
-Apply the project management approach to public management models
-Manage projects
-Understand the relationships between public policy, whether proposed or enacted, and leadership and management in implementation - Participate in and contribute to the public policy process
-Apply techniques for program evaluation and policy analysis
-Describe and execute the policymaking process, including defining the problem, setting the agenda, formulating policy, implementing policy and evaluating policy
-Prepare a budget reflecting policy priorities - Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions
-Employ analytical tools for collecting, analyzing, presenting and interpreting data, including appropriate statistical concepts and techniques
-Identify and employ alternative sources of funding, including grants, taxes and fees
-Understand and apply the legal context of public affairs, administration and policy - Articulate and apply a public service perspective
-Behave ethically and with integrity: tell the truth, keep confidences, admit mistakes
-Understand and apply criteria appropriate to public affairs, administration and policy
-Maintain privacy and security of documents and understand Big Data challenges -
Communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry
-Communicate effectively in writing: prepares clear, concise and well-organized written materials tailored to the audience’s level of expertise and needs
-Communicate effectively in speech: presents oral information accurately, clearly, concisely persuasively tailored level of expertise and needs
-Work productively in teams
Revised to Assessment Year 2/26/18