Doctor of Nursing Practice

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The DNP program at The Valley Foundation School of Nursing at SJSU has nurtured me professionally, pushed me academically and allowed me to develop a project that will inform nursing practice and create change. I'm grateful to be on this journey as a brand new Women's Health Nurse Practitioner, an opportune moment for me to translate research into practice and improve patient outcomes.

— Silvie Arabia, MPH, PHN, RN (DNP Class of 2025) 

About the DNP Program

Mae Lavente Dizon, DNP alumni, pictured at her place of work.We are utilizing the best of the past to create the future of nursing, nursing education, and improved patient outcomes throughout California. We are pursuing this mission by offering this post-Master’s degree, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program.

Degree Requirements

Student Resources

Contact Information

General Inquiries

Program Coordinator and Advisors

Image of Robin WhitneyRobin L. Whitney, PhD, RN
Pronouns: She, her(s)
Assistant Professor and DNP Coordinator
Office: Health Building 404
Selected Works: Works.BePress/ScholarWorks

Portrait of Dr Denise Dawkins Denise Dawkins, DNP, RN, CNL, CHSE
 Pronouns: She, her(s)
 Assistant Professor and DNP Program Advisor
 Office: Health Building 404
 Selected Works: Works.BePress/ScholarWorks
SJSU People page

Image of Lisa Walker-VischerLisa Walker-Vischer, RN, DNP, CNS, CCRN
Pronouns: She, her(s)
Lecturer and DNP Program Advisor
Office: no perminant on-campus office
Selected Works: Works.BePress/ScholarWorks

The DNP program was life-changing and I know just how cliché that sounds. I entered the program as a seasoned Clinical Nurse Specialist but really left with a clear vision as a leader in nursing... The DNP has afforded me a broader view of healthcare and allowed me to influence nursing in a variety of ways in my current role. I’m forever grateful for my DNP.

— Lisa Walker-Vischer RN, DNP, CNS, CCRN (2014 NCCDNP Graduate) 

Program Staff

Portrait of Maya Carlyle, a pale-skinned, femminine person with dark brunette, curly hair. Her expression is soft, kind, and smiling. She is wearing a black fleece jacket, and is in front of an off-white background.Maya Carlyle
Pronouns: She, her(s)
Recruitment & Events Associate
Office: Health Building 420

Image of Brian GothbergBrian Gothberg
Pronouns: He, him, his
Student Support Analyst
Office: Health Building 420

Announcements and Current Events

As a seasoned nurse with extensive experience in both the Navy and the Veterans Affairs, I thought I had seen it all. However, the DNP program at SJSU has been a game-changer. The program's emphasis on evidence-based practice, leadership, and healthcare policy has not only strengthened my own practice but also transformed my approach to mentoring and guiding others.

The DNP program has broadened my perspective, and I now look at the world a little differently. I have gained a deeper understanding of the disparities in healthcare and the importance of addressing these inequities. As a DNP, I am committed to using my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact, not only within my professional career but also in my personal choices.

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have been part of thisProfessional portrait of David Renfro. He is an middled-aged gentleman with greying hair and an open smile, posed in a dark blue suit. program and for the exceptional education and mentorship I received from the SJSU faculty. The DNP program has empowered me to become a more effective leader, advocate, and change agent in the healthcare arena.

Thank you for providing me with this transformative experience. I am proud to be an SJSU DNP alumna and look forward to continuing to make a difference in the lives of others.

— David Renfro, RN, DNP, MS, CCRN-A, NE-BC (2023 Graduate)