Gao, Jerry

Jerry Gao

Professor, Computer Engineering Department
Applied Data Analytics Department

Research Center Director

Steerting Board Chair for IEEE International Congress on Intelligence and Service-Oriented System Engineering.

Organization Chair for IEEE Future Technology Summit (2016-Present).




Preferred: (408) 924-3904


Preferred: (408) 924-4153


Department of Computer Engineering
College of Engineering
San Jose State University, USA
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0180

Curriculum Vitae


Department of Computer Science and Engineering (9/1992 - 8/1995)
The University of Texas At Arlington
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (9/1986 - 12/1989)
The University of Texas At Arlington
M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Science Department (2/1978 - 2/1981) 
Nanjing University and HeHai University
B.S. in Computer Science


Jerry Zeyu Gao is a professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Applied Data Science Department at San Jose State University. Now, he is the reseach center director of Smart Complex Systems. He had over 25 years of academic research and teaching experience and over10 years of industry working and management experience on software engineering and IT development applications. He has published over hundreds (350) publications in IEEE/ACM journals, magazines, International conferences and workshops. He has co-authored three published technical books and edited numerous books in software engineering, software testing, and mobile computing. His current research areas include smart cyber phsical systems, smart cities, AI and machine learning, cloud computing and mobile cloud services, intelligent system test automation.

In addition, he has published numerous book chapters, and edited a number of special issues for archived Besides, Dr. Gao has provided his technical consultant and training services for numerous international IT and telecommunication companies, including Fujitsu Network, Intuit, eBay, HP, IBM, Haiwei, Cisco, and UT-StartCom. In 2010, Jerry Gao has been recognized by UTA as a distinguished Alumna for College of Engineering at its 50th anniversary. In 2011, he was award as a KSI Fellow in SEKE2011. In 2013, Dr. Gao has received the College of Engineering Faculty Award for Excellence in scholarship, journals, and served as an editorial board member and an associate editor for several international journals in software engineering and electronic commerce, such as IJSEKE.

In the last 10 years, Dr. Gao has played as one of leaders in organizing many international conferences and workshops as a conference co-chair, program co-chair, and workshop co-chair. Since 2019, Dr. Gao has been served as the steering board chair for IEEE CISOSE Congress on Intelligent and Service-Oriented Systems Engineering, which consists of IEEE Future Technology Summit and six IEEE international conferences, including IEEE SOSE, IEEE BigdataService, IEEE MobileCloud, IEEE AITest, IEEE JCC, and IEEE DAPPS.

These include SEKE06-2011, IEEE MobileCloud2013, IEEE SOSE2011-2013, ICYCS'05, TQACBS2005-2006, WMCS2004-2010, IEEE EMOBS07-08, TEST'07, and EECC2006. In this year, he served as a conference chair IEEEMobileCloud2014, and workshop program co-chair AST2014.


Recent Conferences


Program chairs and Co-Editor