Semerjian, Tamar Z
![Semerjian, Tamar Z](/people/tamar.semerjian/tamar.semerjian.jpg)
Professor, Kinesiology
Preferred: (408) 924-3069
Alternate: 408.924.3069
Tamar Z. Semerjian, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology. She teaches courses in sport psychology, research methods, stress management, and cultural studies of sport. Her research has included work with older adults, individuals with spinal cord injury, and transgender athletes. She is primarily concerned with the exercise experiences of marginalized populations, with attention to issues of motivation and increase access and adherence to exercise. Her published work has appeared in Spinal Cord, The Sport Psychologist, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, and Women’s Sport and Physical Activity Journal.Education
- Doctor of Philosophy, Health and Leisure Studies, Univ Of Iowa, 2001
- Bachelor of Arts, Human Biodynamcis & Psychology, Univ Of Cal-Berkeley, United States, 1994