Internship Placement
The internship placement decisions are the result of a collaborative process involving each interns unique interests and career objectives, the SJSU SCILL mentor and internship coordinators, and internship PI/mentors who collaborate to assure a successful match.
- Year 1, Fall Semester
Identify An Internship Site
- Research internship site labs
- Identify unique interest
- Attend Stanford and UCSC retreats
Students interact with guest speakers from potential internship sites and further research internship options on the collaborator’s websites. Students also attend stem cell retreat institutes at Stanford and UCSC, which further familiarize them with the variety of internship possibilities, mentors and institutional cultures.
- Year 1, Spring Semester, January - February
Submit A Prioritized Request To Interview
Decisions on internship placement are made upon mutual interests of the student, PI/mentors and SCILL advisor and a request is submitted for a maximum of 3 interviews with potential PI's.
- Students submit prioritized list of 3 internship labs
- Student biographies and grades available to internship PI's
- Internship coordinators facilitate interview schedule
- Students are interviewed at internship sites
- Year 1, Spring Semester, February
- Attend Tours at internship sites
A few internship tours are arranged for a half-day Open House to allow students to visit the sites, hear about their work and meet with some of the potential PI's/mentors.
- Year 1, Spring Semester, April
Students are notified about internship placements.
- Year 2, Summer Semester, June
- Human ESC Workshop
- Internship starts