Meet Our Director

Photo of the Director

Kednel Jean, MSW

Director of Case Management

How did you get here? 

I have always had a passion for public education and the life-changing impact it can have on families. As a product of the New York City Public School System, I know firsthand the power of education to transform lives. After receiving my Master's in Social Work, I worked as a Clinical Social Worker in a Middle School in Upstate NY. It was a rewarding experience that motivated me to return to New York City to work with Global Kids, a non-profit organization that encourages youth to engage in political and international affairs. My work with the students at Global Kids influenced my decision to pursue a career in higher education. I saw firsthand the challenges that many high school students face when they enter college. Many of them struggle to meet their basic needs, and some even drop out because they have to choose between working to support themselves and staying in school. As an immigrant, receiving my degree has been life-changing for me. I am committed to making that dream a reality for others.

Who were your role models or mentors?

My mother, Denise Jean, and my aunt, Ruth Franklin, are my role models. They have always supported me throughout my educational and career journey. When I was in college, I felt lost and unsure of my career path. I was grateful for the support of the Project Excel Program at the University of Albany, which provides academic support services to first-generation college students from economically disadvantaged households and students with disabilities. I am especially thankful for Chris Fernando, my mentor in the Project Excel Program. He took the time to listen to me and encouraged me to be curious and take advantage of the university programs. His approach to mentoring has influenced the way I approach my work.

What are your tips for getting started in this field?

Social Work is a broad field with many career paths. If you are interested in a career in Social Work, I encourage you to do your research and reach out to professionals in the field. They are often happy to share their experiences and offer support.

What are your most important habits for staying well?

For me, staying well means maintaining an active lifestyle and having a positive support system. I try to get some kind of movement throughout the week, whether it's running, walking, or working out at the gym. I also make sure to check in with family and friends regularly, even if it's just for a short conversation.