Theatre Arts Program Pathways

Looking for a specific course pathway? Here is where you can delve deeper into the various courses that make up our RTVF and Theatre Arts pathways that allow you to customize your degree curriculum. 

Acting and Directing Major

Acting and Directing PathwayAn emphasis in Acting and Directing [pdf] provides students with a strong foundation for acting and directing suitable for all aspects of entertainment, including the stage, film, television, and radio. Students receive hands-on experience by performing in front of the camera and on the stage and/or directing for film or the stage.


Production Design and Technical Theatre Major

Prodution Design and Technical Theatre PathwayStudents pursuing a career in Production Design and Technical Theatre [pdf] will experience hands-on, supportive instruction in our production, design, and technical theatre courses. These classes foster both artistic creativity and practical skills, guiding students to become essential designers, craftspeople, and crew. Students gain hands-on experience and expertise working behind the scenes across various sectors of the entertainment industry, preparing them to thrive in a dynamic and creative field.


Musical Theatre Minor

Musical Theatre MinorA minor in Musical Theatre [pdf] provides students with the fundamentals of Musical Theatre and complements a degree in Theatre Arts or allows you to pursue your passion while having a non-theatre major.