Music 10A: Music Appreciation, Fall 2014

Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am - 10:15 am
Location: Music 176 (Concert Hall)
General survey of Western music focusing on recorded and live performances. In this course significant works of the human imagination and intellect are discussed, as students encounter a wide range of music from the European Baroque period to American music of the 20th century. The course is designed to enable students to understand music as an art form within its cultural context, primarily in Western Europe and the United States. Students will approach music as a form of expression that reflects personal creativity, the relationship of music to other forms of human expression, including art, architecture, gender, philosophy, religion, and politics, as well as social, political, religious, and cultural change. Students will experience music through audio and video recordings, and attend concerts outside of the classroom.
Course Documents
- Syllabus, Music 10A-condensed [PDF]
- Syllabus, Music 10A-complete (quizzes corrected) [PDF]
- Materials for the Course: Required Recordings [PDF]
- SJSU School of Music Concerts, Fall 2014 [PDF]
- 1. Music Fundamentals [PDF]
- 2. Timbre and the Orchestra [PDF]
- 3. Beethoven [PDF]
- 4. Beethoven Center [PDF]
- 5. Power in Music [PDF]
- 6. Bugs Bunny and Classical Music [PDF]
- 7. Water in Music [PDF]
- 8. Form [PDF]
- 9. Rhapsody [PDF]
- 10. Stories in Classical Music I [PDF]
- 11. The Planets [PDF]
- 12. Virtuosity [PDF]
- 13. Mozart [PDF]
- 14. Death in Classical Music [PDF]
- 15. The Nutcracker [PDF]
- 16. Bohemians [PDF]
- 17. Nature: Classical Music Out of Doors [PDF]
- 18. Concerto [PDF]
- 19. Variations [PDF]
- 20. Love [PDF]
- 21. Stories in Classical Music II [PDF]
- Concert Report Format [PDF]
- Extra Credit Beethoven Center: Due Sept. 23 [PDF]
- Extra Credit, Humanities & Arts Student Showcase: Due Oct. 14 [PDF]
- Extra Credit "Listening Hour" Report Format: Due at Final [PDF]
- Extra Credit: Music in Life Events: Due at Final [PDF]