Courses in the Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary

Below is the general list of course offerings in the Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. To view the course description, grading options, units, and General Education areas satisfied please go to the current catalog

Courses are organized into the following areas: 

Asian American Studies

Asian American Studies Courses

AAS 020: Women of Color in the U.S.

AAS 025: The Changing Majority: Power and Ethnicity in America 

AAS 033A: Asian Americans in U.S. History I 

AAS 033B: Asian Americans in U.S. History II 

AAS 125: Filipino Experience in the United States

AAS 133: Introduction to Social Issues in Planning

AAS 145: Urban Policy and Its Impact on Inner City Residents

AAS 159: Asian Americans in Media Representation & Popular Culture 

AAS 170: Special Topics in Asian American Studies 

AAS 175: Asian American Communities 

AAS 180: Individual Studies 

AAS 185: Multicultural Perspectives within American Society 

AAS 186: The Vietnamese Experience in America

AAS 190: Internship 

AAS 192: History of Japanese Americans


Sociology Courses

SOCI 001: Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 105: Statistical Applications in the Social Sciences

SOCI 057: Community Involvement and Personal Growth 

SOCI 080: Social Problems

SOCI 092: International Program Studies

SOCI 100W: Writing Workshop 

SOCI 101: Social Theory 

SOCI 102: Introduction to Statistics

SOCI 103: SPSS Computer Analysis 

SOCI 104: Quantitative Research Methods 

SOCI 104B: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods

SOCI 105: Qualitative Research Methods

SOCI 105B: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods

SOCI 116: Global Society

SOCI 118: Sociology of Human Rights and Social Justice

SOCI 120: Contemporary Social Issues

SOCI 122: Women in the Second Half of Life

SOCI 127: Community-Based Participatory Research

SOCI 140: Sociology of Media

SOCI 141: Environmental Sociology

SOCI 142: Critical Native American Studies

SOCI 144: Education for Liberation

SOCI 145: Community Mental Health 

SOCI 146: Work, Power, and Leisure

SOCI 147: Education and Global Justice

SOCI 148: Current Topic and Trends in Education 

SOCI 151: Violence in the Family

SOCI 154: Sociology and Non-Conforming Behavior

SOCI 160: Immigration and Identity

SOCI 161: City Life

SOCI 162: Race and Ethnic Relations

SOCI 163: Social Change

SOCI 164: Social Action

SOCI 165: Poverty, Wealth and Privilege

SOCI 166: Medical Sociology

SOCI 169: Political Sociology

SOCI 170: Sociology of Family

SOCI 171 Person and Society

SOCI 172: Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender Studies

SOCI 173: Socialization and Identity

SOCI 174: Sexualities

SOCI 175: Sociology of Masculinities and Femininities

SOCI 176: Sociology of Everyday Life

SOCI 177: Sociology of Education

SOCI 178: Sociology of Childhood

SOCI 179: Sociology of Higher Education

SOCI 180: Individual Studies

SOCI 181: Service Internship

SOCI 193: Behavioral Science in Practice

SOCI 199H: Senior Honors Thesis

SOCI 200: Sociological Practice

SOCI 201: Graduate Sociological Theory 

SOCI 204: Quantitative Data Analysis 

SOCI 205: Seminar in Qualitative Research Methods

SOCI 216: Seminar in Global Topics

SOCI 223: Seminar in Sociological Issues

SOCI 254: Seminar in Deviance and Social Control

SOCI 262: Seminar in Race and Ethnic Relations

SOCI 263: Seminar in Social Change

SOCI 270: Seminar in Sociology of Family 

SOCI 275: Seminar in Gender Issues

SOCI 281: Internship in Sociology 

SOCI 298: Special Study

SOCI 299: Master's Thesis or Project

SOCI 1290R: Culminating Experience Supervision

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Courses


WGSS 010: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

WGSS 020: Women of Color in the U.S. 

WGSS 101: Sex, Power, and Politics

WGSS 102: The Global Study of Women

WGSS 107: Psychology of Women 

WGSS 112: Women in the Global Economy 

WGSS 114: Politics of Mothering and Reproduction 

WGSS 121: Philosophy and Feminism 

WGSS 122: Women in the Second Half of Life

WGSS 131: Gender, Sexuality, and Religion

WGSS 135: Trans Studies: Identities, Embodiment & Politics 

WGSS 156: Black Women's Writing

WGSS 160: Queering Gender, Race, and Class

WGSS 169: Sexualities and the Body 

WGSS 175: Sociology of Masculinities and Femininities

WGSS 180: Individual Studies

WGSS 189: Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Religion

WGSS 190: Internship