Workshops and Events

We offer writing workshops, including special programs for graduate-level students and multilingual learners. All our regular workshops are one-hour long and conducted virtually through Zoom. Each workshop topic is led by either a writing tutor or a professional staff member, and you will join other participants to learn about the topic. There will be a combination of handouts, presentations, activities (including occasional breakout rooms), and time for questions. Early registration is highly recommended for our special programs, such as the Foundations of Graduate Writing Workshop Series and Writing Group Creation Training.

Video Overview


Events and Training

Workshop Topics

Check out brief descriptions of our workshops on a variety of writing topics. These descriptions will help you determine which workshops will be of most interest to you. We have also created workshop videos that you can access any time.

Workshop Evaluation Feedback Form

We would like to hear your feedback if you have recently attended a workshop. This helps us continuously improve our materials and delivery of workshop topics and allows us to listen to your suggestions on other topics you would find helpful.

Workshop Attendance Confirmation

If you require proof of attendance for coming to a Writing Center workshop, complete the form, and we will send an email confirmation (to you and your professor) within two working days.