Steven Crunk
Department Chair, Professor
MH 307
Research Areas
- Time Series Analysis
- Legal Applications of Statistics
- Economic and Business Statistics
- Environmental Statistics
I earned a B.S. in music education and taught high school band for two years before
coming to my senses and going back to school to study math. Having had very little
math a very long time before, I was forced to re-start at the level of a high school
algebra course taught at a California community college. Eventually, I transferred
to a school in the California State University (CSU) system to work on a masters degree
in math, and then an Ivy League university to work on a Ph.D. in statistics (hey,
if I can go from a community college and the CSU to an Ivy League Ph.D., you can too).
My theoretical interests lie in time series analysis. However, through a variety of
statistical consulting opportunities (including work done for NASA, Public Television,
The Office of the Attorney General of New York State, the New York City Law Department,
Kittitas County Washington, Investment Banks, auto dealerships, manufacturing companies,
oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, and many other firms, organizations, and
government entities) I have found much more interest in applications of statistics
using a wide variety of statistical methods.