Mindful Steps for Mental Health
![Mindful Steps infographic with the categories of explore your well-being, grow your skills, express your needs, build your support, access care, personalize treatment, and get immediate help](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulstepsinfographic-corrected-1200x600%20px.png)
Mindful Steps is a system to help you grow and sustain your mental health. Choose from a range of mental health resources and services that best meets your needs and goals. Start by exploring the service and resource options. Then, pick one or two to begin your journey. Every step you take with us can lead you to the support you need. There is no wrong door.
![Icon of explore your well-being with a magnifying glass with a heart inside](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulsteps-exploreyourwellbeing_450x450px.png)
![icon of grow your skills with a head with a plant inside growing into a heart](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulsteps-growyourskills_450x450px.png)
![icon for build your support with 3 figures with a heart in the middle](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulsteps-buildyoursupport_450x450px.png)
![icon for express your needs with two talk bubbles with a heart inside](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulsteps-expressyourneeds_450x450px.png)
![icon for access care which shows a stop watch shaped as a heart](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulsteps-accesscare_450x450px.png)
![icon for personalize treatment with a hand and a heart over it](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulsteps-personalizetreatment_450x450px.png)
![icon for get immediate help showing a heart with an exclamation mark in it](/wellbeing/pics/mindfulsteps-getimmediatehelp_450x450px.png)