Authority to Contract Policy
- Delegated Authority
You must have specific authority to obligate the university to pay for products and services. Campus departments have been delegated the authority to purchase only those products and services that qualify for:
Direct Payment
Employee/Student Reimbursement
Petty Cash
Travel Reimbursement
- Purchasing Authority
All other purchases must be made by Strategic Sourcing -Contracts & Procurement Services, including those products and services that must be processed through:
- Authority to Sign Contracts
Please do not sign any contracts or agreements with a vendor, even a no cost $0 contract. Authority to obligate the university is limited to specific individuals per Presidential Delegation.
Instead, send all contracts to Strategic Sourcing - Contracts & Procurement Services for review. Buyers are familiar with state laws governing the CSU system's authority. Also, buyers may be able to negotiate a better contract for you.