Campus Fee Program

About the Program

Finance and Business Services is responsible for managing the Campus Fee Program, which establishes or makes changes to:

  • Campus mandatory fees
  • Miscellaneous course and lab fees
  • Any other student fees other than tuition fees

The Campus Fee Program is twofold, consisting of Campus Fiscal Officer [CFO] review and the Campus Fee Advisory Committee [CFAC].

Understanding Fee Types

Per Executive Order 1102, the California State University Fee Policy defines fees into categories:

Fee Proposals

Per Executive Order 1102, all fees charged to students must undergo a review and approval process before they may be assessed or changed. This includes:

  • Establishment of new fees
  • Increases/decreases to existing fees
  • Elimination of existing fees

The CSU groups student fees into six categories, each with a specific approval authority. In most of the cases that arise, the president holds final authority. However, it is important to note some fees require a student referendum, and some require the Chancellor’s approval. Additionally, the Campus Fee Advisory Committee reviews most fee proposals and provides a recommendation to the President.

In order to allow sufficient time for the review process and for proper notification to students, fee proposals for fees taking effect in the fall semester should be submitted by January.

Preparing a Fee Proposal

For fees related to special session, please contact the College of Information, Data, and Society. All special session fees must be submitted via the Dean of CIDS.

All fee proposals require the following:

Proposal Review Process

Student fees that are charged to all students are called mandatory student fees and classified as Category II. These fees typically require a student referendum, review by the Campus Fee Advisory Committee, CFO endorsement and President’s approval. New Category II fees must be approved by the Chancellor. The President can approve changes to existing fee levels.

Participant fees, self-support program fees, and special session fees are reviewed by Finance & Business Services and recommended to the CFO, who in turns recommends to the President. The President has final approval.

Field trip fees are reviewed by the Campus Fee Advisory Committee and must have CFO endorsement to move forward. The proposed fee must fall within the ranges provided in Executive Order 1102 to fall under the President’s authority. Otherwise, they must be approved by the Chancellor.

The Role of CFAC

The Campus Fee Advisory Committee [CFAC] is a working committee, serving in an advisory role, that reviews campus fee proposals and makes recommendation to the campus President.  All decisions made by CFAC concerning fee proposals are governed by Executive Order 1102.  At San José State University, review of proposals for activities supported by Student Success, Excellence & Technology Fees [SSETF] and their recommendation are included in CFAC’s purview.

The Committee’s membership is governed by the California State University Student Fee Policy - Executive Order 1102, section IV - Responsibility:

  1. The president is responsible for assuring that appropriate and meaningful consultation occurs prior to adjusting any campus-based fee and before requesting that the chancellor establish a new Category II or Category III fee.
    1. The president shall establish a Campus Fee Advisory Committee comprised of student, faculty, staff, and administrative representatives to provide advice to the president. Membership of the Campus Fee Advisory Committee shall be established in consultation with the campus student body association and the campus faculty senate and shall include the president of the campus student body association and the chair of the campus faculty senate or their designees. The president shall appoint the chair of the Campus Fee Advisory Committee.
    2. The president shall appoint members to the Campus Fee Advisory Committee, excluding the student representatives who shall be appointed by the campus student body association. Faculty members shall be appointed consistent with normal campus processes for selecting faculty members to serve on similar committees.
    3. Students appointed by the campus student body association shall constitute a majority of the voting members of the Campus Fee Advisory Committee.

San José State’s committee is comprised of 13 members who serve one-year terms, with reappointments allowed.  The committee meets at least once a semester, and as needed when fee proposals are brought forward for review.

CFAC Member Roster

CFAC Meetings and Minutes

Overview of Fees

Per Executive Order 1102, the California State University Fee Policy defines fees into categories: